CERN Accelerating science


Ostatnio dodane:
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum No. 10 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the CMS Detector - Common Items for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Detector - Participation of DESY, Germany
CERN-MOU-2025-002.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum No. 10 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the CMS Detector - Common Items for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Detector - Participation of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
CERN-MOU-2025-001.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Addendum 29 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the ATLAS Detector - Concerning Construction of the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Detector - Participation of Slovak Republic
CERN-MOU-2024-160.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum No. 10 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the CMS Detector - Common Items for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Detector - Participation of BMBF, Germany
CERN-MOU-2024-159.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum No. 10 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the CMS Detector - Common Items for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Detector - Participation of Egypt
CERN-MOU-2024-158.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Memorandum of Understanding for the Construction, Operation and Exploitation of the Water Cherenkov Test Experiment (WCTE) - Participation of Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Poland
CERN-MOU-2024-157.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Addendum 6 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Neutrino Program - NP04-protoDUNE Single Phase TPC Prototype - Prototype and test of a single-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers for the DUNE far detector - Participation of INFN Lecce, Italy
CERN-MOU-2024-156.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Addendum 69 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the ALICE Detector - ITS3 Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System - Participation of NIKHEF, Netherlands
CERN-MOU-2024-155.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Amendment No. 1 to Addendum No. 10 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Construction of the CMS Detector - Common Items for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Detector - Participation of FRS, Belgium
CERN-MOU-2024-154.- Fulltext: PDF;

Rekord szczegółowy - Podobne rekordy
Addendum 6 to the Memorandum of Understanding for Collaboration in the Neutrino Program - NP04-protoDUNE Single Phase TPC Prototype - Prototype and test of a single-phase Liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers for the DUNE far detector - Participation of Daresbury Laboratory STFC, UKRI UK
CERN-MOU-2024-153.- Fulltext: PDF;

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